Person with a disability in a wheelchair

Will There Be Disability Reform in the Future?

Disability Royal Commission

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability is a Royal Commission established on 4 April 2019. Presently, the Royal Commission is still ongoing and recently a five-day examination was held among Disability programs that offered support and assistance for individuals with disability.

The examination looked into the operations of Afford, a disability program, primarily the experiences of three individuals under their care. The Royal Commission found among the three experiences issues surrounding the care and wellbeing of the individuals with disability under the care of Afford.

  1. One finding found that a caretaker hired by Accord was discovered to be in possession of images of clients in their mobile phone. Other instances identified that hired caretakers abused their clients.
  2. Another finding identified that complaints were being made among the quality of care and invoices issued to clients and an instance showcased a client sent an invoice for services during a time when they were not under the care of the program.

Current disability legislation

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) is federal legislation that that prohibits the discrimination against people with disability. Its main purpose is the establishment that discrimination become unlawful, the promotion of equal rights among individual with disability, equal opportunity, and equal access for individuals with disability.

However, once the Royal Commission into Disability is completed, will there be a necessary reform to be passed in the federal parliament and see to an amendment of the Discrimination Act or a generally more progressive legislation that covers violence, and neglect of individuals with disability with strict provisions.

When experiencing or know people experiencing disability abuse, it is advisable to contact solicitors for advice to seek justice and prevent future abuse. The solicitors of Foulsham and Geddes will ensure that clients are given expert advice and assistance and will tend to the needs of clients in the best of their abilities.